
Our Commitment

At SIRS, we are committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. We strive to provide an inclusive online shopping experience that empowers all our customers.

Accessibility Features

  • Alternative Text for Images: All images on our site are accompanied by alternative text for screen readers.
  • Third-Party Text-to-Speech: While our site does not have built-in text-to-speech functionality, it is compatible with most third-party text-to-speech software.
  • Keyboard Navigation: Our website supports keyboard navigation for users who utilize this feature through their computers.  If you are experiencing issues, please reach out so we can have our web developer do additional testing.

Compliance with Standards

We believe our website aligns with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and are committed to maintaining this standard.  If any user is experiencing difficulties, please reach out.

Testing and Evaluation

We conduct thorough testing for accessibility with every major update of our website to ensure a seamless experience for all users.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement

  • Feedback: Your feedback is essential to us. If you have suggestions or encounter any issues related to accessibility, please let us know through the Contact Us form on our website.
  • Future Enhancements: As we grow, we plan to invest in additional features and software to enhance accessibility. We actively encourage feedback to help guide these improvements.

Training and Awareness

Our staff receive regular training on accessibility and inclusive practices to ensure a supportive and understanding service for all our customers.

Contact Us

For any accessibility inquiries or assistance, please reach out to us through the Contact Us form on our website. We are here to help and are committed to improving our site's accessibility.


This page outlines SIRS's current accessibility features and practices, demonstrates a commitment to ongoing improvement, and provides clear instructions on how customers can provide feedback or get assistance.